Debt collection lawyer in Jeddah

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Debt collection lawyer in Jeddah

Al-sharef Advocates and Legal Consultants specializes in providing debt collection services in Jeddah. Al-sharef offers a wide range of solutions to collect bad debts: debt collection at court, outside court debt collection, issuance of an effective debt collection program.

Four reasons why you should turn to a debt collection attorney in Jeddah

  1. The debt collection attorney in Jeddah must be fully informed of all laws and regulations related to the debt collection complaint.
  2. He should also possess high skills in negotiation and communication with the debtor and work to collect debts with the least expected losses.
  3. If you are looking for a debt collection attorney in Jeddah, it is likely that you do not need to file a legal complaint if the collection is done by notifying the attorney.
  4. It is very important to be alert to the fraud and fraud that some people practice in debt collection offices.
  5. Unfortunately, some of them work in an unlicensed manner, so when you choose Al-sharef Advocates and Legal Consultants in Jeddah, be sure that you are safe.
  6. Al-sharef Advocates and Legal Consultants has great experience in debt collection issues in Jeddah and they have the ability to reach an amicable settlement, which saves effort and time together.


محامي تحصيل ديون

Defining a debt collection attorney

He is a lawyer specializing in settling and collecting debts of all kinds, whether due, unpaid, overdue or bad. Debt collection is the process of following up on debt payments owed by individuals or companies. A debt collection organization is known as a collection agency. Most collection agencies act as intermediaries for the creditor and collect debt for a fee or percentage of the total amount owed.

What can a lawyer do to collect bad debts?

Once the debt is due and the delay in payment, you can resort to a debt collection attorney in Jeddah who is licensed and certified and has sufficient experience to collect the debts. Often they have a result, given that the judicial notification is an official document issued by competent government agencies in this regard. As the judicial notice contains specific and clarified conditions for the procedures followed in the event of non-payment. And after the term is completed and the debtor does not initiate the payment, the choice of the lawyer to resort to the courts is a solution. Reporting by filing a lawsuit is possible, and accordingly, the debtor is aware of the seriousness of the issue and the threat of legal action. A debt collection attorney can also help you to draft and write the forensic notice so that the debt is resolutely collected.

Friendly settlement

When it becomes clear to the debtor that the debtor is unable to pay the debt and the inability to pay the amount due in full, you need an incoming settlement, and in this case you need a licensed, certified and experienced lawyer in order for you to draft an agreement for a mutual settlement for the two parties, in order to progress to Imam and in order to guarantee the full repayment of the debt or installments within a specified period for both parties within the agreement.

Resorting to the judiciary through a debt collection lawyer in Jeddah

In the absence of an incoming settlement, and the debtor did not respond to the notice of justice, the solution is to appoint an agent of a debt collection office in Jeddah who is specialized, certified, and has long experience to collect the debt with high professionalism, speed, follow-up of clients and collect your debt with high experience.

Judicial procedures for debt collection

The last solution is to file a lawsuit for debt collection, and this requires a great effort of investigation and research, as the lawyer determines the place to file the lawsuit, as there is a spatial jurisdiction that the plaintiff must adhere to before filing. There is also a statute of limitation period for the purposes of filing a lawsuit, so that it must be observed and taken into account.

تحصيل ديون في جدة

With regard to debt collection


What are the quick judicial means that the lawyer follows to ensure that money is not smuggled out of the Kingdom’s territory? Debt collection is the process of tracking debt payments owed by individuals or companies. A debt collection organization is known as a collection agency or debt collectors. Most collection agencies act as intermediaries for the creditor and collect debt for a fee or percentage of the total amount owed.
A debt collection attorney can provide you with the necessary advice regarding the debt collection law and the necessary judicial procedures for debt collection, and this includes:

1.To negotiate an amicable settlement.
2.Surrounding all the debtor’s property, whether fixed or moveable, bank balances, etc.
3.Urgent seizure of secured balances and debtor’s property.
4.Request a travel ban from the competent authorities and circulate it at borders, crossings and airports.
5.File a lawsuit, and take enforcement action.

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